October 11, 2010

netpgp — bringing more *BSD coolness to the Linux world :)

[на български]

Some of you may have noticed that I've been trying — slowly but surely — to introduce various interesting and useful utilities from BSD-land into my favorite Linux distribution, Debian. After a so-so start with truncate and an unqualified success with dma (if I say so myself), today it's netpgp's turn.

I only learned about netpgp today after reading a description of Alistair Crooks's talk at EuroBSDCon 2010, which I was sadly unable to attend. “A BSD-licensed crypto library and a drop-in GnuPG replacement? That's cool!” — so I hunted it down, compiled it, ran its test suite — and here's my intent-to-package e-mail.

I hope netpgp gains agent support soon — this is almost the only thing that is stopping me from using it instead of GnuPG!

Posted by roam at 12:33 AM | Comments (0)
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