It's not pining… it's passed on! This blog is no more! It has ceased to be. It has expired. The blog has gone to meet its Maker. This is a late blog! It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If I hadn't nailed it to the server, it would be pushing up the daisies. It's run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. It is an ex-blog!
Apologies to Monty Python, but it's true - this is an ex-notes-blog. It will probably pull a phoenix and be reborn as a linkblog or something in the near future, but for the present, it's off pining for the fjords of blogspace.
The register published the full keynote of Andrew Orlowski to a conventionful of music industry suits and such. Most of what he says is nothing new, but he says it well - and then there are some new points involving sharing and broadcasting in a - at least to me - quite novel large scale.
Piraha apparently can't learn to count and have no distinct words for colours
Via Ask.
Does Homeland security have nothing better to do? Via kasia.
Another nail in the coffin of the credibility of movies, via Ask.
A nice write-up by Steven Garrity - what makes weblogs so popular, and how can it be applied to other uses of the web itself?
A dissenting American's view on the war - and post-war "hostilities" - in Iraq.
A look at some of the information available via Word's "track changes" functionality on public documents posted on Microsoft's web sites. Via Tony Bowden.
Simon Cozens on yet another way to have fun while shopping: multiple discounts on a single item implemented in a very, very much wrong way. Doubleplus fun, since I've had a couple of close encounters with writing point-of-sale software myself in the past.
A nice NewsForge article on when it is permissible (fair) to copy a portion of an interesting article in a comment/link/announcement on your own site/media.