June 20, 2005

pretty images?

I bought a new toy and after a couple of days of playing with the settings I came up with the idea that I could draw some images out of the data recorded by the device.
Another week of recording high-resolution tracks and another 2 days of writing Perl code I came up with the following images.

This is an overview of the whole dataset.
2005-06-20 overview.png
Resolution set at 20m per pixel.

Let's drill down a bit. The next one shows a large roundabout, on the inrersection of M1 and M50. The detail you can see is amazing. 1 meter per pixel.
2005-06-20 roundabout.png

This one is a shopping mall where I go regularily. Again 1 meter per pixel. You can even see clear lane separation on the road.
2005-06-20 tesco.png

And the last one for tonight shows that I clearly need a roof GPS antena for my car. This is a wood area with bad GPS reception because of tree overcast.
2005-06-20 gpserrors.png

Color gradient is red through blue for low to high speed. Density is for certainty of the data at that pixel.
Garmin GPSMAP 60CS
Debian GNU/Linux
Perl, Time::ParseDate, Data::Dumper::Simple, GD, Graphics::ColorObject
A total of 280 lines of pure homegrown perl code.


Posted by boyan at June 20, 2005 12:42 AM

С Днём Рождения!
Поздравляю тебя с дном тзвоего варения, желаю тебе всего самого наилудшего в твоей жизни, поболъше здоровъя и любви...

Posted by: velin at July 8, 2005 08:33 AM