OpenFest 2006 - Share the Freedom

December 06, 2005


[на български]

Irfan and Balkandji inside the same night — that's more than a man ought to be subjected to… yet the feeling is beyond words! And… thank you again, you know who you are, for the tip-off about Irfan, although we didn't quite manage to actually meet! :) Well, maybe next time :)

PS. Should anybody object to the use of “inside” applied to “night”, please take your complaints to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and Beethoven's Last Night :)

Posted by roam at December 6, 2005 02:49 AM


Irfan have played live?! Aaargh!
Their May concert was *the* best live performance I've experienced and I was so looking forward another such event - where can one get news of fiture gigs like that?

Posted by: Mordred at December 6, 2005 02:51 PM

Yeah, well, they played at the Red House (or maybe try this link for sensible browsers), and I wouldn't have known if somebody had not told me - the Red House is not listed at, so it was kinda easy to miss indeed.

Posted by: Peter Pentchev at December 7, 2005 02:27 AM
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